Opening hours

Monday - 9am to 5pm
Tuesday - 10am to 9pm
Wednesday - 10am to 9pm
Thursday - 10am to 9pm
Friday - 9am to 8pm
Saturday - 9am to 4pm

Covid-19 Protocol at Vibe beauty clinic


Thank you for your patience during this difficult time.  We are very much looking forward to welcoming you through the doors at Vibe Beauty Clinic. Our salon meets the required government guidelines, of managing the risk of COVID-19. The way of working and delivering services to our clients has had to change and adapt, to protect the health & safety of both our staff and clients.  Here is our guide of what you can expect when visiting Vibe Beauty Clinic.

  • Before carrying out any treatment, clients will receive an e-mail disclaimer form. We ask that you complete in full and return via email prior to your appointment. We will need this to confirm your booking.
  • Symptom check – Have you had a new continuous cough? Do you have a high temperature? Have you noticed a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell? If you have experienced any of these symptoms within the last 14days, we kindly ask that you stay at home and reschedule your appointment. 
  • TINTING CLIENTS: For all new clients, anyone who has had or suspected of having COVID-19, existing clients that have had medical changes, or not had a tinting treatment within a year WILL require a patch test.  A booking will need to be scheduled at least 48 hours prior to the appointment.
  • If you wish to make an appointment please e-mail the salon at [email protected] or telephone 0131 334 6407. In order to practice social distancing, we will be operating BY APPOINTMENT ONLY and will no longer be able to accept walk-ins. We will limit the number of appointments per day as intensity and frequency of cleaning is increased.
  • We are following government guidelines and therefore some treatments may not be available for a temporary time.  This will be advised at time of booking.
  • The 2-meter social distancing rule will apply. You will notice floor markings and visual guidance to aid this. When this is unavoidable, due to the nature of our business, all necessary PPE will be used.
  • Screens will be in place at reception desk and manicure stations.
  • Please arrive at your appointment time.  As we no longer have a waiting area, we kindly ask you to wait outside the salon door. We apologise in advance if we experience any delays.
  • Please arrive on your own, or let us know in advance if you require a carer to accompany you.
  • Please bring a bag to store your belongings.
  • We will require you to bring and wear a face mask for the duration of your appointment.
  • Please ensure that you use the hand sanitisers on arrival and at other areas throughout the salon.
  • We are unable to offer refreshments, but you’re welcome to bring your own.
  • If possible, we would ask that you pay using bank transfer.  Cash will still be accepted, when there is no alternative, with strict hand sanitising applied.
  • We are following strict sanitising and disinfecting procedures between each client, to minimise any risk of spreading the virus.  New PPE will be provided to staff between each client.
  • We kindly ask that if you require to cancel your appointment for any reason, you give as much notice as possible.  Unfortunately any cancellations within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment, will result in a charge. 

We hope this information has been helpful and given a good overview of how our salon will operate during the pandemic.  If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected] or 0131 334 6407

Team Vibe